Dysgu WRU Learner of the Year
Dysgu WRU is a new online learning platform created by the Places Team and it launched last August in Old Penarthians Rugby Club with many VIP’s present to endorse the scheme!
Since September 2023, the new platform has provided 6,245 hours of learning for community rugby volunteers from a range of topics such as the new recycling laws to creating a period positive clubhouse, to Looseheadz Mental Health Ambassadors and unconscious bias to name a few!
- 92% of learners stated that the webinars were either 'Excellent' or 'Very Good'.
- 99% of learners would recommend the sessions to other
- 93% felt more prepared to deal with issues after attending a webinar
- 86% felt more confident to deal with issues after attending the webinar
However, there is one individual who has championed Dysgu from the start and has been a critical friend and supporter to the team! The team mentioned that there could be no other winner than this individual!
Let’s take a look at what they had to say!
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