- WRU Game Locker
WRU Game Locker

WRU Game Locker

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Combined teams

Combined teams

Under exceptional circumstances where teams have unsustainable playing numbers and/or localised barriers to availability and accessibility of players teams of the same age group and in close proximity will be granted permission to combine their players to play fixtures.

Clubs/Girls Hub must complete the online “permission to combine” application form in order to seek permission to combine two clubs/Girls Hub to form a team and play a fixture, both clubs/Girls Hub must be part of and complete the application. (Applications have a 14 day window to be approved)

Please click the link below and complete the application form


In the male game only teams in the U15, U16 and U18 age group will be considered to combine players to play fixtures,  In the girls hub game the U12 to U18 age groups will be considered to combine players to play fixtures.

Applications submitted will be received by Welsh Rugby union members of staff who will review the information and contact clubs for further discussion and sanctioning/non sanctioning.

Teams sanctioned to combine to complete fixtures will do so with specific conditions included but not limited to - 

  • Each club taking clear responsibility for player, coach and parent code of conduct and any disciplinary action
  • Each club provides in writing the agreement of the allocation of the appropriate portion of the club development grant if applicable.
  • A Specified time period that the two clubs agree to merge for which is also sanctioned by the WRU.
  • Should a club have less than 10 actively registered players a merger will not be granted and players should transfer to a new team.

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