Ruck Offside Line - WRU Game Locker
WRU Game Locker

WRU Game Locker

Ruck Offside Line

Back to Defence


8 or more


Balls, Cones, Shields, Contact Suits


  • Three coned areas on the pitch to simulate ruck areas
  • First two people to go down, one attacker and one tackler, one person in from each side to form a mini-ruck.
  • Defence to organise either side of the ruck, from the hindmost foot
  • Get understanding of the offside line and defensive positioning off ruck


Session Plan Diagram

Coaching Points

  • Defence behind hindmost foot
  • 1st player off the ruck to have a low body position
  • 2nd player to take the scrum half
  • 3rd player to take the first receiver
  • Have one player in the 'boot' to organise

Variation / Progression

  • Each player to experience each position
  • Different areas of pitch
  • Both sides of field
  • Increase numbers to cover both sides of the ruck

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