Space Invaders
Groups of 5Equipment
Balls, ConesDescription
- 3 attackers (A1, A2, and A3) line up facing a channel per player.
- Defenders (D1, D2 ) prepare to cover channels 1, 2 or 3, depending on coach's instruction for how many channels they wish to be defended?
- On coaches instruction attackers play into their respective channels and react to the space. Ball Carrier makes a decision to scan for effective space left by the defence or pass to a support attack player in space. (Refer to diagram)
- Coach to change/vary the defence according to where they wish channel space to be left.
- If all 3 defenders cover the 3 channels then evasive footwork should be used and support to react off the ball carrier
Coaching Points
- Head up
- Identify Space
- Communicate
- Support players react to ball carrier
- Go forward/Pass
- Engage Defenders to pass to support player in space
Variation / Progression
- Change the numbers of defenders and attackers
- Change start positions
- 3 defenders (one chasing)
- Closer defence (less reaction time)
- Wider/Smaller Channels
- Allow Defenders to switch channels
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