Register - WRU Game Locker
WRU Game Locker

WRU Game Locker

The WRU hold a large database of Players, Coaches, Coach Educators, Referees and Club Officials. When you register, we need to match you with the correct person in our database, so please give as much information as possible. Our administrators will check the information submitted and issue you your login details by email.

In the event that we cannot locate you on our database, we will create a new account and email you your login information.

Mae gan URC gronfa ddata fawr o Chwaraewyr, Hyfforddwyr, Addysgwyr Hyfforddwyr, Dyfarnwyr a Swyddogion Clwb. Pan fyddwch yn cofrestru, bydd angen i chi eich paru â’r person cywir yn ein cronfa ddata, felly rhowch gymaint o wybodaeth â phosibl. Bydd ein gweinyddwyr yn gwirio’r wybodaeth a gyflwynwyd ac yn rhoi manylion mewngofnodi i chi ar e-bost.

Os na fyddwn yn gallu dod o hyd i chi ar ein cronfa ddata, byddwn yn creu cyfrif newydd ac yn anfon eich gwybodaeth mewngofnodi atoch ar e-bost.

Personal Details / Manylion Personol

You are currently logged in as . If this is not you please click here to logout before filling in this form.

Registration Pending

We already have a pending registration for the email address which you supplied.

Please be advised that all registrations must be manually authorised in order to maintain the integrity of our database, as many website registrants already exist on our systems, from their previous involvement within Welsh Rugby.

You will receive a confirmation email with your login password as soon as our administrators have authorised you.

If you think there may be a problem with your registration please contact .

Sorry you must be 16 or over to register

What's this for? / Beth mae hwn ar gyfer?
What's this for? / Beth mae hwn ar gyfer?

Important Medical Guidance

Please note it is your responsibility to notify the club, club officials, and/or coaches of any medical conditions which may inhibit your participation in rugby.

If yes...

How would you best describe your impairment? Please tick all the boxes that apply to you.

Contact Information / Gwybodaeth Gyswllt
Roles / Swyddogaethau

Roles / Swyddogaethau

To register as a referee for a specific club you must first gain a WRU referee qualification. You can continue to register as a referee now but will not be given active status until you complete a referee course.

Do you hold a WRU refereeing qualification? / A oes gennych gymhwyster dyfarnu URC?

To register as a referee for a specific club you must first gain a WRU referee qualification. You can continue to register as a referee now but will not be given active status until you complete a referee course.

Coaching Status / Statws Hyfforddi

Please indicate what your current coaching status is. You will be able to update this later if your coaching status changes.
Nodwch beth yw eich statws hyfforddi presennol. Byddwch yn gallu diweddaru hwn yn nes ymlaen os bydd eich statws hyfforddi yn newid.

Please indicate you are active if you are currently actively coaching for a club or organisation
Nodwch eich bod yn weithredol os ydych yn hyfforddi ar gyfer clwb neu sefydliad ar hyn o bryd

Please indicate you are unattached if you are active as a coach but not currently attached to a specific club or organisation
Nodwch eich bod yn rhydd os ydych yn weithredol fel hyfforddwr ond ddim yn gysylltiedig ag unrhyw glwb neu sefydliad penodol

Please indicate you are non active if you are not currently coaching
Nodwch eich bod Ddim yn Weithredol os nad ydych yn hyfforddi ar hyn o bryd

My commitments

Type of organisation

Select organisation

Select commitment

Referee Status

Please indicate what your current referee status is. You will be able to update this later if your referee status changes.

Please indicate you are active if you are currently actively refereeing for a club or organisation

Please indicate you are unattached if you are active as a referee but not currently attached to a specific club or organisation

Please indicate you are non active if you are not currently refereeing

My commitments

You have no referee commitments listed. Please add your referee commitments if you are currently attached to a club

Type of organisation

Select organisation

Select commitment

Team Manager Status

My commitments

You have no team manager commitments listed. Please add your team manager commitments if you are currently attached to a club

Select Club

Select commitment

First Aider Status

My commitments

You have no referee commitments listed. Please add your team manager commitments if you are currently attached to a club

Type of organisation

Select organisation

Select commitment

Club Operations Manager Status

My commitments

You have Club Operations Manager commitments listed. Please add your Club Operations Manager commitments if you are currently attached to a club

Select organisation

Club Chair Status

My commitments

You have Club Chair commitments listed. Please add your Club Chair commitments if you are currently attached to a club

Select organisation

Club Secretary Status

My commitments

You have Club Secretary commitments listed. Please add your Club Secretary commitments if you are currently attached to a club

Select organisation

Club Treasurer Status

My commitments

You have Club Treasurer commitments listed. Please add your Club Treasurer commitments if you are currently attached to a club

Select organisation

Club Safeguarding Officer Status

My commitments

You have Club Safeguarding Officer commitments listed. Please add your Club Safeguarding Officer commitments if you are currently attached to a club

Select organisation

Other sports / Chwaraeon eraill

Do you hold any coaching qualifications in other sports? / A oes gennych unrhyw gymwysterau hyfforddi mewn chwaraeon eraill?

Add More
Coaching Region / Rhanbarth Hyfforddi
Additional Information / Gwybodaeth Ychwanegol

There are problems with the form. Please correct all issues before submitting / ! Mae problemau gyda’r ffurflen. Cywirwch bob mater cyn ei chyflwyno:

Please note the following warnings and make sure you are satisfied before submitting:

Terms and Conditions / Telerau ac Amodau

By registering on the Coaching Locker, you are confirming that all information supplied is a true account of your personal details and can be used by the WRU Coach development team to (i) monitor and analyse their workforce data and to (ii) provide opportunities for individual communication. All information supplied will remain confidential and not shared with any third party organisations.

Trwy gofrestru ar Coaching Locker, rydych yn cadarnhau bod yr holl wybodaeth a roddwyd yn gyfrif cywir o’ch manylion personol ac y gellir ei defnyddio gan dîm datblygu Hyfforddwyr URC (i) i fonitro a dadansoddi data gweithlu a (ii) i ddarparu cyfleoedd ar gyfer cyfathrebu unigol. Bydd yr holl wybodaeth a roddir yn gyfrinachol ac ni chaiff ei rhannu gydag unrhyw sefydliadau trydydd parti.

By registering with the WRU, you are bound by the strict provisions of the Anti-Doping Rules and have a responsibility to be fully compliant with the provisions of those Rules. You will also be required to fully cooperate with any investigation, results management and proceedings conducted pursuant to the Rules in relation to any potential Anti-Doping Rule Violation(s); The Rules will remain applicable to you until you retire or de-register as a participant of the Game.

Trwy gofrestru ar Coaching Locker, rydych yn cadarnhau bod yr holl wybodaeth a roddwyd yn gyfrif cywir o’ch manylion personol ac y gellir ei defnyddio gan dîm datblygu Hyfforddwyr URC (i) i fonitro a dadansoddi data gweithlu a (ii) i ddarparu cyfleoedd ar gyfer cyfathrebu unigol. Bydd yr holl wybodaeth a roddir yn gyfrinachol ac ni chaiff ei rhannu gydag unrhyw sefydliadau trydydd parti.

You agree to abide by all the World Rugby Regulations, WRU rules and regulations, WRU Code of Conduct, WRU Safeguarding Policy, and any other binding directives which may be issued from time to time.

You shall be deemed to have made yourself familiar with, and agreed to be bound by the UK Anti-Doping Rules and Anti-Doping Rules of the Welsh Rugby Union, and to submit to the authority of UK Anti-Doping in the application and enforcement of the Anti-Doping Rules.

Please tick here if you would like to receive promotional marketing messages from the WRU from time to time, in accordance with our Privacy Notice

Ticiwch yma os hoffech dderbyn negeseuon marchnata gan URC o bryd i’w gilydd, yn unol â’n Hysbysiad Preifatrwydd

Please tick here if you would like to receive promotional marketing messages sent on behalf of the WRU's Partners and Sponsors from time to time, in accordance with our Privacy Notice

Ticiwch yma os hoffech dderbyn negeseuon marchnata a anfonir ar ran Partneriaid a Noddwyr URC o bryd i’w gilydd, yn unol â’n Hysbysiad Preifatrwydd

We are committed to protecting the personal data we hold about you. In proceeding with your registration, you agree that we may contact you from time to time in relation to game administration matters. Our privacy policy sets out how your personal data will be handled - if you'd like to see our privacy policy click here.

Rydym wedi ymrwymo i ddiogelu’r data personol sydd gennym amdanoch chi. Wrth barhau â’ch cofrestriad, rydych yn cytuno ein bod yn gallu cysylltu â chi o bryd i’w gilydd mewn perthynas â materion gweinyddu’r gêm. Mae ein polisi preifatrwydd yn nodi sut bydd eich data personol yn cael ei drin – os hoffech weld ein polisi preifatrwydd cliciwch yma.