The TUE process provides a player with authorisation to use a prohibited substance or method to treat a legitimate medical condition whilst continuing to play rugby. Players should advise their medical personnel of the obligation to abide by the anti-doping rules of their sport, and that any medical treatment received must not violate these rules.
Before applying for a TUE, players should check with their prescribing physician or the sport’s medical personnel if there are any reasonable alternative medications or treatments that are permitted before considering the need to apply for a TUE.
Mae'r broses Eithriadau Defnydd Therapiwtig yn rhoi awdurdod i chwaraewr ddefnyddio sylwedd neu ddull gwaharddedig i drin cyflwr meddygol dilys tra’n parhau i chwarae rygbi. Dylai chwaraewyr roi gwybod i’w personél meddygol am yr ymrwymiad i gadw at reolau atal camddefnyddio cyffuriau eu camp, ac na ddylai unrhyw driniaeth feddygol a dderbynnir dorri'r rheolau hyn.
Cyn gwneud cais am Eithriad Defnydd Therapiwtig, dylai chwaraewyr wirio gyda'u meddyg rhagnodi neu bersonél meddygol y gamp a oes unrhyw feddyginiaethau neu driniaethau amgen rhesymol a ganiateir cyn ystyried yr angen i wneud cais am Eithriad Defnydd Therapiwtig.
I gael rhagor o wybodaeth, neu os ydych am dderbyn gwybodaeth benodol ynghylch gwneud cais am Eithriad Defnydd Therapiwtig, cysylltwch ag UKAD drwy:
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