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Concussion, Recognise and Remove

Concussion Guidelines for Community Rugby in Wales

These guidelines are to assist all players, coaches, referees, administrators and family members to understand the importance of recognising and properly managing players with concussion.

Concussion Facts

  • Concussion is a brain injury
  • All concussions are serious
  • Concussion can often occur without loss of consciousness
  • Players with any signs or symptoms of concussion must be immediately removed from playing or training
  • Remember – If in doubt, sit them out
  • Players must not return to play on the same day of any suspected concussion
  • It is recommended that all players with concussion should be referred to a medical practitioner or NHS 111
  • It is recommended that all players undertake a Graduated Return to Play programme
  • It is recommended that players should not return to full contact sport until cleared by a medical practitioner
  • Most concussions will recover with physical and mental rest
  • Concussion can occur without an obvious blow to the head
  • Recognise and Remove players with suspected concussion to prevent further injury or in rare cases, even fatality

Graduated Return To Play (GRTP)

The WRU Graduated Return to Play (GRTP) guides the player through the rehabilitation stages following a concussion or suspected concussion.

There are suggested activities in each stage which may be used to gradually increase the amount, intensity and/or type of exercise that the player does in order to ensure a safe and successful return to sport.

Click HERE to download the infographic 

Click HERE to view the WRU Recognise and Remove guidance video.

Click HERE to download Concussion guidance PDF 

UK Concussion Guidelines for Grassroots Sport

In April 2023, The Government published its first UK-wide Concussion Guidelines for Grassroots Sport which will help players, coaches, parents, and schools. UK-Grassroots-Concussion-Guidelines-April-2023

The guidelines deliver on a government commitment to establish a single set of shared, UK-wide concussion guidelines for the immediate management of concussion followed by the gradual return to activity. For the first time, the guidelines provide a consistent approach across all sports, and all home nations, informed by the best available evidence.

Concussion Recognition Tools

The CRT 6 (Concussion Recognition Tool) can be used by anyone (i.e. non Health Care Professionals) for the identification and immediate management of a suspected concussion. It is not designed to diagnose concussion.


Other recommended links:

World Rugby Player Welfare



NHS Concussion



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